Sunday, 22 January 2012

Yearbook Reflection

1. What i like most of all about my designs would have to be the originality of my work. I haven't seen designs like this before, iv'e only gotten ideas from multiple arts so basically it is all from my head. I love this because it is easier to be proud of my work knowing it is more original then coped. Overall I think that the creativity I put into my deigns are very good and love the Randomness that is involved in each of them.

2. To improve my designs i would probably put a lot more time in them fixing any mistakes i might have made and missed when checking over them. I don't like the way that i set up my photography page, i feel like I could have made it more interesting and eye appealing. I could have done this by putting in a couple more pictures and adding more colour to the edges of the page. Other then that it was quite alright and the other pages I probably wouldn't change.

3. My designs could well be used for the actual yearbook because they are very artistic and very interesting to look at. I think that they would look professional and be well worth the money to buy. The theme of fantasy works well for the yearbook because it is something everyone can enjoy and relate towards. I have also asked people if they liked my design and they had agreed that they would want it as a yearbook cover. If they were to use my designs I think people would like them and find them just as appealing as I do.

Monday, 9 January 2012

Year Book Design Ideas

I have many thoughts about what I could do for my year book cover theme. One of my ideas would be to have a simple yet elegant cover involving some simple concept of era being born. I could also perhaps do a underwater theme involving the treasure of learning. My third idea would be to create a somewhat space universe look mixed with technology. I may also do an eerie theme with some suspense.