2. The aspect of my image I find the most successful is probably my eating a car picture because it shows how comical I can be and what kind of sense of humour I have. I feel that this part of my image really gets peoples attention and makes them look and ask questions about it. It is creative and colourful; the car itself really makes you stare.
3. The aspect of my image I find least successful would be the plane flying through the sky. It doesn’t really look how I planed it, I wanted it to be crazier and stand out. It was suppose to look like its in the middle of a battle but I didn’t have time to add mist or fog. It was the only picture that I found that was nice and big enough to crop. I wanted to show my love for history but it just looks like I like planes, which I do but not what I was going for.
4. If I had a chance to redo this project there isn’t too much I would change. I would definitely make a better plane, with fog and historic colouring by making it black and white or sepia. Also I would do a better job cropping the pictures. Some of the pictures I have are rough edged and not very smooth so it looks too much like it’s been cut out and pasted. I would also add some more pictures of the sea, maybe a scuba diver so it could further get my message about scuba diving. I also wouldn’t mind getting some more colour because I feel that not a lot of people know of my love for neon colours.
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